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Listening Through the Landscape

with Christa Donner


Access these audio programs here.

In Listening Through the Landscape, Christa Donner and Andrew S Yang present short, guided audio walks that explore the nature of time and the ecology of Singapore through trees, soil, and water.


Combining narration with environmental sounds collected during the 2020 "Circuit Breaker" stay-at-home orders in Singapore, Donner and Yang transform everyday spaces into multisensory journeys. Step outside and let’s take a walk. Select a walk from the above list, press “Play” and activate.

Free Jazz III. Sound. Walks. offers the curatorial proposition that collectivity and communality can be explored through art experiences that draw on the long histories of sound and walking, offering concrete ways to connect with nature, technology, and each other during times of social distancing. Dematerialized, asynchronous, and participatory, these artworks each reflect how our current collective negotiations between physical and online realms need not be seen as binary opposites, but as opportunities for rethinking social interaction through our senses.

Narrated by Alexis Chen.


Text versions of the the five soundwalks scripts (PDF)


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