t h e S m a l l S c i e n c e C o l l e c t i v e
It is sometimes said that science is the most democratic and robust forms of knowledge. But what life does science live outside the laboratory and how can it be shared, created, and questioned in the everyday by everyone? A collaboration of artists, students, scientists and anyone else who is seriously
curious about the sciences, the Small Science Collective produces small zines and web comics on topics from ants to galaxies.
Read online, download the zines, distribute, make your own!
T H E Z i n e L i b r a r Y !
Ecology Human Things Food Miscellaneous
Small Science Zines are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
All comics © Original Artist Zines may be distributed for noncommercial use with proper attribution to the original artist.